The Heroes of Greek Myth series explores the heroic archetypes and metaphysical lessons taught in the mythology of Ancient Greece. Spanning several generations of heroes, Tom Billinge examines the timeless truths handed down to us through the millennia.
Undying Glory: The Solar Path of Greek Heroes

Undying Glory: The Solar Path of Greek Heroes is the first of Tom Billinge‘s books. It is more than just a recounting of the tales of Greek heroes: it is a blueprint for modern to men to follow.
The book focusses on six heroes in particular, as they traverse the Solar Path, each aiming to become Solar Man, a state that is above the gods. In the work, Tom uses the term atideva (“beyond the gods”) – a borrowing from Sanskrit, which shares a linguistic and cultural connection to Greek through their shared Indo-European heritage.
Undying Glory starts with the three earlier heroes of Greek Myth: Kadmos, Perseus and Bellerophon. These primordial heroes open the path for those who follow: Jason, Theseus and Herakles. Only one of the Solar Heroes completes the path, fully realising the atidevic state that is possible for men to attain.
The book has been well received, topping the new release charts on Amazon on its initial release and garnering five star reviews and ratings across the board. It is available in all formats, with the ebook and audiobook enabling any who wish to improve their life a chance to interact with the Undying Glory.
Age of Heroes: Beyond the Solar Path

Age of Heroes: Beyond the Solar Path is the second book in the Heroes of Greek Myth series by Tom Billinge. Following on from Undying Glory: The Solar Path of Greek Heroes, this second work continues the narrative where it left off in the first.
While Undying Glory focussed on the earlier generation of heroes, with the likes of Theseus and Herakles taking the stage, Age of Heroes puts the Homeric works in the spotlight.
Age of Heroes lays out the framework of the Ancient Greek Heroic Age as a model for a return to the values of that time. It analyses the concepts that can be gleaned from the Iliad and Odyssey, while placing them in their original context within the complete Epic Cycle.
Before diving into deep analysis of two heroic archetypes, Tom first paints a picture of the world of Homer, distinguishing it from the Mykenaian world. He sets the tales firmly within the Indo-European heroic current.
After analysing the heroic mindset, the book then turns to the youthful warrior archetype, personified by Akhilleus, and then the mature hero in the figure of Odysseus. With esoteric lessons drawn out from the Homeric material, Age of Heroes is manual for the modern day hero aspirant looking to reach for greatness.
Return to Hyperborea: The Heroic Initiate

Return to Hyperborea: The Heroic Initiate completes the Heroes of Greek Myth trilogy and focuses on the hero Orpheus as the transmitter of the ancient Hyperborean mysteries of the Indo-European Wolf Cult to the Hellenic people.
Looking at the Wolf Cult in the context of the Greek people, this final installation in the series dives into the mystery traditions of both Samothaki and Eleusis before piecing together a Hyperborean initiatic lineage handed down to us through the Orphic mystery rites and theogonic material.
Setting out a framework for a Hyperborean tantra, Return to Hyperborea is an initiatory manual for the seeker of the true teachings of the original Wolf Cult.
The widely acclaimed Heroes of Greek Myth Series, published by Sanctus Arya, is available globally from all major online booksellers, including Amazon, as well as in traditional brick and mortar book shops. Ask your bookseller to stock Undying Glory by Tom Billinge.